PyGRAZ ist eine Usergroup mit die Python-Programmiersprache in Graz. Wir treffen uns regelmässig am ersten Dienstag im Monat entweder im realraum oder im Gösserbräu.
In December, we are going to offer lightning talks on topics related to python.
You solved a small problem with python software? You have found and tried an interesting package on pypi? You discovered new features of a recent python version? Lightning talks give you an opportunity to share your findings with others and get some feedback. A lightning talk is a 5-10 minute presentation (slides are encouraged, but not necessary). Each talk is followed by a small discussion and a feedback session. In the best case, each participant gives a lightning talk such that we cover many small topics.
Join us at realraum!
Keine Sessions für dieses Meetup eingetragen.
Brockmanngasse 15 - 8010 Graz